• CMD2020

    Exemplar #1: Figure 1

  • CMD2020

    Exemplar #2: Figure 2

  • CMD2020

    Exemplar #3: Figure 3

  • FICC2020

    Exemplar #1: Adaptation of Figure 6 (used for the presentation)

  • FICC2020

    Exemplar #2: Adaptation of Figure 11 (used for the presentation)

  • FICC2020

    Exemplar #3: Adaptation of Figure 12 (used for the presentation)

  • CCWC2020

    Exemplar #1: Figure 2

  • CCWC2020

    Exemplar #2: Figure 3

  • CCWC2020

    Exemplar #3: Figure 4

  • IEMCON2019

    Exemplar #1: Adaptation of Figure 1 (used for the presentation)

  • IEMCON2019

    Exemplar #2: Figure 3

  • IEMCON2019

    Exemplar #3: Figure 10

  • ICOIACT2019

    Exemplar #1: Figure 1

  • ICOIACT2019

    Exemplar#2: Adaptation of Figure 5 (used for the presentation)

  • ICOIACT2019

    Exemplar #3: Figure 7

  • FICC2019

    Exemplar #1: Figure 9

  • FICC2019

    Exemplar #2: Figure 14

  • FICC2019

    Exemplar #3: Figure 17